I've made a website (gamescreat.org) for video games creators ! It's pretty new so everything I wanted to do aren't all done but for now you can already use a lot of functionality like :
- Making pages for your game projects where you can describe your project, post news, post downloadable versions, receive comments, receive rating, recruit a development team, etc..
- Posting or downloading resources (3D models, illustrations, music, source codes, textures and sounds)
- Posting "missions" that other users can do for you in exchange of points called c-points (a kind of "money" you receive for each altruistic actions you do on the site)
- Having a profile displaying your skills and other informations
- Having access to a private messages system
- Having access to a news flow (something like facebook) to help you follow news of your friends or your favourite projects !
Many exiting things will be added in the future, so don't hesitate to join the community and be part of what will become (I hope) a great gathering place for video games creators !